The long-awaited second installment of "Hiromu" goods, a collaboration project between Hiromu Takahashi and the monthly Mu!
"Mystery" socks are available in a fashionable tie-dye pattern that is ideal for everyday use.
M: 23-25cm
L: 25-27 cm
Body: 85% cotton, 12% nylon, 3% polyurethane
Embroidery thread: polyester
* Due to the characteristics of the product, the pattern is different for each item, and the color tone may vary. Also, due to the shrinkage of the dyeing process, there may be some individual differences in size and shape between the left and right even if the same product is the same size.
※Sizes are approximate.
* The Please note that pictures are for illustrative purposes only. The specifications and coloring of the actual product may differ slightly.
* Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.