(CD only)
Artist: Shiny Colors
The cast includes Sakuragi Mano (voiced by Sekine Hitomi), Kazeno Toori (voiced by Kondo Reina), Yamiya Meguru (voiced by Mineta Mayu), Tsukioka Renkane (voiced by Isobe Karin), Tanaka Mami (voiced by Suganuma Chisa), Shirase Sakuya (voiced by Yamaki Anna), Mimine Yuka (voiced by Kisui Shio), Yuya Kiriko (voiced by Yuina Mizuki), Komiya Kaho (voiced by Kono Hiyori), Sonoda Chiyoko (voiced by Shiraishi Haruka), Saijou Juri (voiced by Nagai Mariko), Morino Rinyo (voiced by Maruoka Wakana), Arisugawa Natsuha (voiced by Suzumoto Akiho), Osaki Amana (voiced by Kuroki Honoka), Osaki Amaka (voiced by Maekawa Ryoko), Kuwayama Chiyuki (voiced by Shibazaki Noriko), Serizawa Asahi (voiced by Tanaka Yuki), Mayuzumi Fuyuko (voiced by Yukimura Eri), Ai Izumi (voiced by Kitahara Sayaka), Toru Asakura (voiced by Wakui Yu), Madoka Higuchi (voiced by Tsuchiya Rio), Koito Fukumaru (voiced by Tajima Sarran), Hinana Ichikawa (voiced by Okazaki Miho), Nichika Saegusa (voiced by Shizuki Anshu), Mikoto Hida (voiced by Yamane Ki), Ruka Ikaruga (voiced by Kawaguchi Rina), Hana Suzuki (voiced by Mikawa Kazuki), Haruki Ikuta (voiced by Ozawa Reina)
1. Migratory Echoes
Lyrics: Yohei Matsui Composition: Takao Yanagawa Arrangement: APAZZI
2. Migratory Echoes (Illumination Stars Ver.)
Lyrics: Yohei Matsui, Akiko Watanabe Composition: Takao Yanagawa Arrangement: Keita Miyoshi
3. Migratory Echoes (Antique Ver.)
Lyrics: Yohei Matsui, Erika Masaki Composition: Takao Yanagawa Arrangement: Atsushi Harada (Arte Refact)
4. Migratory Echoes (After School Climax Girls Ver.)
Lyrics: Yohei Matsui, Makoto Furuya Composition: Takao Yanagawa Arrangement: YUU for YOU
5. Migratory Echoes (Alstroemeria Ver.)
Lyrics: Yohei Matsui, Shizuna Suzuki Composition: Takao Yanagawa Arrangement: Takahiro Morimoto
6. Migratory Echoes (Straylight Ver.)
Lyrics: Yohei Matsui, Yu Shimoji Composer: Takao Yanagawa Arrangement: Katsumi Onishi (Blue Bird's Nest)
7. Migratory Echoes (Noctil Version)
Lyrics: Yohei Matsui, Tomohiro Akiura Composition: Takao Yanagawa Arrangement: Masatomi Waki (Arte Refact)
8. Migratory Echoes (Seeds Version)
Lyrics: Yohei Matsui, Co-sho Composition: Takao Yanagawa Arrangement: Eunsol (1008)
9. Migratory Echoes (Comedy Ver.)
Lyrics: Yohei Matsui, Daichi Soflan Composition: Takao Yanagawa Arrangement: Shinji Suzuki (KEYTONE)
10. Migratory Echoes (Off Vocal)
Product code: LACA-25115
Release date: January 22, 2025
Label: Lantis
Publisher: Bandai Namco Music Live Inc.
Distributor: Bandai Namco Filmworks Inc.
*Because the obi, bookmarks, stickers, flyers, etc. that come with magazines, books, music, and video works are "promotional items" that are not included with the product, they may not be included with the same product depending on the order and arrival time. (When placing an order, we cannot accept requests to confirm or specify whether or not an accessory is included.)
Please note that we cannot accept exchanges, returns or refunds due to the presence or absence of these accessories, or due to defects such as damage or dirt.