S size: waist 66cm Body length 44cm (pleated skirt) Body length 87cm (overskirt left side length)
M size: waist 70cm Body length 46cm (pleated skirt) Body length 88cm (overskirt left side length)
Outer fabric: 100% polyester
Lining: 100% polyester
・The pleating process is not permanent. In order to keep the beautiful shape for a longer time, please check the handling precautions attached to the product before use.
・Due to the nature of the yarn and weave structure, this product has the property of being easily caught on other objects. Please be careful when putting on and taking off.
【Description of item】
Using sophisticated technology, the image of the costume is expressed using three-dimensional pleats that are carefully folded one by one.
A three-dimensional pleated mini skirt is layered with an overskirt made of fabric that gives a sense of tension, creating a beautiful silhouette.
We also recommend pairing it with a blouse made of the same material.